Stone (Calculus) Surgery
Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
Product Summary: AMA rates ESWL Item Number: 35546, 105 Non-invasive technique of shattering renal or ureteric calculi using sound waves. This service is only provided at Brisbane Private Hospital. Why is it done? Renal stones of any size, usually larger than 1cm...
Open Nephro / Uretero Lithotomy
Product Summary: Open removal of stones where endoscopic procedures have failed. Item Number: 36543, 105 Why is it done? Open surgery for large or complicated renal and ureteric calculi where all other techniques have failed. Seldomly done today. As a last resort to...
Perctaneous Nephro-Lithotomy (PCNL)
Product Summary: Removal of large renal calculi through an endoscopic procedure through the skin of the back Item number: 36639, 105, 36645, 105 Endoscopic surgery with trans-cutaneous access through lower lumbar area. Indicated for stones lager than 1,5cm, situated...
Uretero-Renoscopic Stone Extraction with Laser (URSE)
Product Summary: AMA rates A ureteric or renal calculus is removed with technique and may require a lithoclast or laser. A Rigid/ Flexible ureteroscope can be used. Item Number: 36806,105; 36654, 105; 36809, 105; 36656, 105 Endoscopic removal of renal and ureteric...