Item Number:

Opening of the posterior Urethra on the Perineum

Why is it done?

  • Seldom done
  • This procedure is performed when concentric extensive scarring in the urethra (strictures) causes Urinary Retention
  • A long history of strictures.
  • This is alternative to an invasive procedure where long periods of anaesthetic is contra-indicated and extensive grafts may be required
  • Usually for chronically sick patients who cannot undergo surgery, yet are active enough not to want a permanent catheter.
  • Patients who don’t want to / cannot do intermittent self-dilatation of these strictures
  • Don’t want a permanent Indwelling Catheter penile/Urethral cripple


How is it done?

  • Patients will receive a General Anaesthetic.
  • Flexible cystoscopy is done through your urethra or suprapubic catheter site to find normal urethra (usually posterior urethra)
  • A urethral sound is placed/ catheter
  • A perineal incision is made.
  • The urethra is divided proximal (above) the stricture
  • The opening of the urethra is brought out and attached to the skin on the perineum (the area between scrotum and anus)
  • A catheter is placed
  • Prophylactic antibiotics will be given to prevent any infections.



  • Persistent pain in penile shaft
  • Pain in Perineum when seated
  • Scarring of the opening requiring dilatation
  • Possible infection
  • NB! Each person is unique and for this reason, symptoms vary!


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Copyright 2019 Dr Jo Schoeman