Your First Visit

Your first visit forms the basis of your professional relationship with Dr Jo.

Bring all the relevant radiology & pathology results, as ordered by your referring physician, to this appointment. These will be reviewed during your consultation.

A thorough physical investigation will be done. This will include an internal investigation of the prostate for men, as well as an internal investigation for female patients complaining of incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Please attend with a semi-full bladder, as an ultrasound may be performed.

Your differential diagnosis will be discussed with you.

Additional tests may be requested.

Conservative management will be suggested as first-line therapy.

Where there is a clear indication for surgery, this surgery will be discussed in full with all the possible side effects and complications.

Consent forms are detailed to your procedure and amendments will be made to suit your situation after the discussion with you.

If you do proceed with surgery, you will be provided with an information brochure containing all the discussed points as well as a copy of your consent form and an estimate of Dr Jo’s fees for the procedure.

Please read it and bring it with on the day of your surgical appointment. This will enable you to provide fully informed consent to the proposed surgical procedure.